Wednesday 3 December 2014


YEAR 2013
Q.1. Choose the best answer. (20) 
1. In which way behaviour is different from mental processes? (introspection, observation, research, psychoanalysis) 
2. Who is particularly interested in studying patterns of behaviour, beliefs and values which are shared by people? (social psychologist, experimental psychologist, clinical psychologist) 
3. Who believed that mind is composed of senses, ideas, images and feelings? (William James, Titcher, Carl Rogers, Wundt) 
4. Which area of hypothalamus is responsible for satiety behaviour? (lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial hypothalamus, hyperphagia, antidiuretic hormone) 
5. Which perspectives of psychology focuses on determining the extent to which psychological characteristics such as memory, intelligence are influenced by heredity? (neuroscience, biogenic, cognitive, socio-cultural) 
6. Which of the following relates to disorders in comprehension or production of speech? (dysphasia, aphasia, broca's area, all of these) 
7. Which lobe of the brain is involved in planning, decision-making and some aspects of language? (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital) 
8. Which neurotransmitter plays an important role in the experience of pleasure? (serotonin, dopamine, nor-epinephrine, acetylcholine) 
9. The hormone cortisol produced by adrenal gland is responsible for: (reducing the body activity to take rest, activating the body to prepare for stressful situation, balancing the homeostasis, planning and decision-making) 
10. The process through which a leaned response stops occurring due to the non-availability of reinforcement is called: (generalization, punishment, spontaneous recovery, extinction) 
11. When a teacher appreciates his students every time they ask questions with the hope that this will enable them to handle more technical questions in future, he is using conditioning? (classical conditioning, shaping, modeling, reinforcing) 
12. In classical conditioning, the organism creates an association between: (two situations, two consequences, two stimuli, two responses) 
13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of self-actualized people according to Maslow? (They live creatively and fully using their potentials, They have efficient perceptions of reality, self and others, They are sensitive of fake and dishonest, They feel ashamed of their negative emotions) 
14.  According to Freud, the process through which individuals release their excessive aggressive energy is called: (dream work, psychoanalysis, catharsis, slips of tongue) 
15. A layer of nerve cells at the back of eye which converts light waves into electrical impulses is (fovea, retina, cornea, iris) 
16. The process through which brain uses the two retinal images into one dimensional perception is called: (depth perception, stereopsis, binocular cues, retinal disparity) 
17. Which of the following is not an attribute of extroversion in the BIG FIVE FACTORS theory of personality? (sociable, talkative, self-conscious, affectionate) 
18. Which part of personality opposes the irrational desires of id according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality? (ego, psychic energy, super ego, libido) 
19. A psychological test is good only when it measures whit is supposed to measure. This statement refers to which of the following? (Degree to which it is objective, precise and short, Degree to which it is consistent across several administrations, Degree to which it is norm based, Degree to which it is psychometrically sound) 
20. Which aspect of social interactions is measure by the theory of planned behaviour? (attachment, socialization, group formation, attitudes)

Attempt any FOUR questions. (80) 
Q.2. How did theorists belonging to functionalism define psychology? How did functionalism influence psychology as the science of behavioral and mental process? (20) 
3. Discuss the role of brain in the experience of emotions. (20) 
Q.4. How do individual and cultural factors influence our perceptions? Discuss with examples. (20) 
Q.5. Define operant conditioning. How the processes involved in operant conditioning influence our everyday learning experiences? Justify your argument with examples. (20) 
Q.6. Compare and contrast any two theories of attitude formation. Highlight their drawbacks as well. (20) 
7. What is the rational behind using projective test of personality? How TAT and Rorschach Ink Bolt test are different in terms of their structure and psychometric qualities? (20) 
Q.8. Write short notes on any FOUR of the following: (20) 
(i) Causes of illusions
(ii) Defense mechanisms
(iii) Latent Learning
(iv) Interference theory of learning
(v) Affiliation motive
(vi) Agents of socialization

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